Top 10 food that help in burning calories

Raffaele Garofalo
8 min readJun 20, 2020


How often have you tried to shred down that extra pound of body fat? Did you make it? Maybe the reason behind is not really on your lifestyle or workout program but you are simply eating the wrong food!

I have followed and applied many diets and frankly speaking there is no silver bullet here or magic wand; for sure there are “natural boosters” that will make your journey faster and easier. Below I have created a list of the top 10 foods which will allow you to burn more calories. That doesn’t mean that you are allowed to ingest 3'000 CAL per day, let’s be clear, but if you introduce those aliments in your daily diet, you will surely see improvements faster.

Planning accordingly and adding the right aliments to your daily diet will definitively help you in achieving your results faster and reducing your frustration in front of the mirror.

Top 1 — The Avocado!

A picture of an Avocado

The Benefits

The Avocado is an exotic fruit originally cultivated in Mexico but not available in any grocery around the world. It is a fruit and it is full of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and over 20 vitamins.

It provides the following natural boosters:

  • Decrease the risk of heart diseases due to the content of beta-sitosterol, a natural sterol which decrease the level of cholesterol in your body.
  • It protect and keep young your eyes. Avocado contains lutein and zeaxanthin which help you in keep healthy your vision.
  • Lower risk of depression thanks to the high level of folate, which is known to keep lower the risk of mental depression.

Because of the healthy fats and the high amount of fiber, Avocado added to your daily diet decrease the appetite and allow you to stay healthier and feel full for a longer period of time.

The Nutrients

A single avocado usually contains 160 CAL composed by:

  • 15 gr of Fat, 9 gr of Carbohydrate and 2 gr of Protein
  • Vitamin K — help blood and prevent excessive bleeding
  • Folate — help converting carbohydrate into energy
  • Potassium — it helps to regulate fluids in your body
  • Vitamin E — an amazing antioxidant
  • Vitamin C — antioxidant and booster for your immune system

Top 2 — Fatty fish

A bunch of fatty fishes

The Benefits

Fatty fishes are fishes rich in Omega-3 and fat. In this category we can find:

  • Salmon, Cod fish, Herring, Mussels, Anchovies, Swordfish, Mackerel and many more

The magic word for all these fishes is called Omega-3. Omega-3 decrease the production of Cortisol, which “inform” the body to store body-fat and also boost the reduction of body-fat.

In summary, you need fatty fish because:

  • Help in body fat reduction by providing Omega-3.
  • Provides an high level of clean Proteins. Fish provides the most “clean” protein source which will keep you full for longer.

The Nutrients (Salmon as an example)

100 gr of Salmon provide an amazing balance of:

  • 4 gr of fat
  • 20 gr of clean protein
  • 208 CAL and plenty of Omega-3 fatty acids

Top 3 — Legumes

The Benefits

Legumes have been around since the human life start (probably) and they are the best alternative, non-animal, source of Proteins available in nature.

Legumes, especially Beans and Lentils, provide an high level of proteins and fibers and some scientific researches proved that especially lentils slow down the body absorption of extra fat.

In summary, you should have legumes at least twice a week because:

  • Legumes are a natural alternative source of protein.
  • They provide fiber, protein, carbohydrate, B vitamins, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and phosphorous. Legumes are naturally low in fat, are practically free of saturated fat, and because they are plant foods, they are cholesterol free as well.

The Nutrients

100 gr of legumes, provides 114 CAL and almost 8 gr of proteins

  • 8 gr of proteins, 20 gr of carbohydrates
  • 8 gr of fibers, calcium, potassium and magnesium

Top 4 — Almonds

The Benefits

Almonds are an edible seed derived from the plant of almonds. They are available with and without peel, dried, salted or flavored with some spices.

They can be used as a snack between main meals or as a crunchy addition to your daily salad boul.

They are really good in helping loosing wait because:

  • They are high in proteins, good if you are basing your diet in reducing carbohydrates.
  • Very good antioxidants which help in keep your skin elastic.
  • They are high in Vitamin E which helps and boosts the reduction of body fat.

The Nutrients

For 28 gr of Almonds, you get:

  • 6 gr of proteins
  • 14 gr of fat
  • Vitamin E, Manganese and Magnesium

Top 5 — White meat

The Benefits

White meat is provided by various animals such as: chicken, turkey and duck. Some people consider white meat also the meat derived from fishes.

If you are planning to loose wait seriously you probably have white meat on your daily meals. One major difference that we have to highlight between Chicken vs Turkey is that Turkey is a leaner meat, a bit more proteins, less calories and definitively less fat than the chicken. On the other side, Turkey meat is less tasty, drier and a bit more difficult to cook.

Let’s be honest, a roasted chicken breast is way more tasty than a roasted turkey breast!

In summary, you should have white meat daily because:

  • It provides a very lean source of protein.
  • It is very low in fat and keep you full for some hours while still providing a moderate intake of calories.

The Nutrients

There is a slightly difference between Chicken and Turkey meat.

100 gr of Chicken provides 239 CAL and:

  • 27 gr of proteins
  • 14 gr of fat

While 100 gr of Turkey provides 189 CAL and:

  • 29 gr of proteins
  • 7 gr of fat

Top 6 — Spinach

The Benefits

Spinaches are Popeye favorites food and actually they were designed in 1870 by Erich von Wolf to motivate kids in eating this amazing vegetable.

Spinaches are rich in Vitamin K, D, C, Potassium and Magnesium and are really good especially for fit people who are putting their body under additional stress by practicing sports. They also have plenty of fibers which you need if you are following a diet rich in proteins and lower in carbohydrates.

Have them weekly because:

  • They strength you immune system and eyesight thanks to the rich amount of vitamins.
  • Helps staying healthy thanks to Vitamin A.
  • They are a valuable source of energy and they also provide a good source of natural proteins (non animal).

The Nutrients

For 100 gr of Spinach you get only 23 CAL and:

  • 3.6 gr of carbohydrates
  • 3 gr of proteins
  • 2.5 gr of fibers

Top 7 — Broccoli

The Benefits

The broccoli, should we even discuss why you should have Broccoli, at least twice a week? Broccoli are probably the most known vegetable in the body building world and there is a very good reason for that.

Broccoli is a good carb and is high in fiber, which aids in digestion, prevents constipation, maintains low blood sugar, and curbs overeating. Along with this, broccoli is also great for weight loss because it is rich in fiber.

In summary, you need broccoli to kick your diet because:

  • They have fibers which delays your digestion, so you eat less and feel less hungry.
  • They are very low in calories and they also provides a good percentage of Proteins.
  • They provides tons of nutrients which you need when you are dieting and practicing sports.

The Nutrients

100 gr of broccoli provides 31 CAL and:

  • 3 gr of proteins
  • 6 gr of carbohydrates
  • plenty of Potassium, Sodium and Vitamins

Top 8 — Eggs

The Benefits

The eggs are one of the best source of protein from animal, they are composed by a red part called yolk and a white part called albumen. They are both rich in nutrients except that the white part, the albumen, does not have cholesterol. They are very versatile, can be used as a single aliment for breakfast or can be added to recipes, for example pie, cakes or salads.

In summary, eggs help in loosing wait because:

  • Eggs provide an high quantity of proteins and are optimal for breakfast and lunch to lower your appetite.
  • They help in lowering body fat because of: Vitamin B, Omega-3 and Proteins contained in each egg.
  • They promote heart health due to the amount of choline provided by each one.

The Nutrients

One egg, which approximately 50 gr provides 78 CAL and:

  • 5 gr of Fat
  • 6 gr of Proteins
  • Vitamin B, D and A

Top 9 — Cottage cheese

The Benefits

Cottage cheese is a low calories cheese with a mild / acid flavor. It is always recommended in diets with low calories or high in proteins.

It provides a load of benefits and nutrients such as: high proteins, calcium, selenium and keep you full and satisfied for a while.

In Summary, it helps you loose weight because:

  • It is absolutely high in proteins.
  • The high amount of casein has been proven to help loosing body fat.
  • Combining Calcium, contained in cottage cheese, with aerobic exercise, boost loosing weight and body fat.

The Nutrients

For a serving of about 220 gr cottage cheese provides 163 CAL and:

  • 28 gr of proteins
  • 6 gr of carbohydrates
  • 2.5 gr of fat
  • Calcium, Vitamin B12, Selenium and Folate

Top 10 — Quinoa

The Benefits

The Quinoa that we know is in reality the seeds of the plant itself, it can be prepared boiled or boiled and added to other meals such as salads or main dishes. It comes in 120 varieties depending on where it is cultivated, the most known are: white, red and black.

It must be rinsed before cooking it, to remove the bitter taste.

Why can help me in loosing weight?

  • High percentage of proteins, 50 gr can have 7 gr of proteins.
  • It’s high in fibers, so it helps your intestine especially when you follow a diet high in proteins.
  • It provides Vitamin E, which is an antioxidant and Iron, good for hemoglobin (which helps you during your workouts).

The Nutrients

For a serving of Quinoa dry of 50 gr you get:

  • 180 CAL
  • 34 gr of carbohydrates
  • 3 gr of fat
  • 7 gr of proteins

I hope you enjoy it and if you didn’t read it yet, have a look at my previous post “Which gym split workout is right for me?”. Next time we will talk about supplements and high protein recipes.

Stay tuned!



Raffaele Garofalo
Raffaele Garofalo

Written by Raffaele Garofalo

Father | Husband | Fitness enthusiast & Microsoft/AWS Solution Architect

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